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We all make mistakes sometimes, after all, we are just humans, and we can’t control the environment around us. In construction, business mistakes happen all the time. 

However, some of them are predictable and easy to avoid. Do you want to find out what are the top five mistakes when planning a construction project, and how to avoid them? Read this article and then, share your opinion with us! 

At the end of 2019, the whole world was impacted with the first news about a highly transmissible infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. What many did not expect was that the outbreak of this disease would spread so quickly and completely change the routine of people and companies, without exception. The civil sector was one of the most affected by the pandemic and we brought some interesting information about the ways COVID-19 has changed construction. 

During the first few months of 2022, the US real estate industry had to deal with an unstoppable rise in home prices. 

For people who do not suffer from any type of physical disability, accessibility in public buildings may not be exactly one of the topics that come to mind.